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Neighbourhood Watch

Moor Pool Estate is an official Neighbourhod Watch area and has been going strong since the 1970s. Rejuvenated in 2017, we hold regular crime prevention pop-ups at community events giving you the opportunity to talk to police and volunteers about local issues and latest security advice.

Find out more about Neighbourhood Watch: ourwatch.org.uk

Community WhatsApp Groups

Neighbourhood Watch also set up a number of road WhatsApp groups to digitally connect the community and make it easire for residents to speak to neighbours about issues specific to their road, such as: car alarms going off, suspicious activiy, watching out for vulnerable residents, road closures, sharing ideas on being safe, etc.

Police crime prevention advice is also shared and groups are administered and moderated by Neighbourhood Watch admins.

To join your road group, email: moorpoolNHW@gmail.com

West Midlands Street Watch

StreetWatch is a community led initiative led by local volunteers to provide high visibility patrols in our area to reassure, nurture active citizenship and build community spirit across Moor Pool and wider Harborne.

We're vetted and insured by West Midands Police and we link in with Harborne Neighbourhood Police Team.

The StreetWatch family is over 100 volunteers strong across the West Midlands.

To find out more about StreetWatch:

Join: streetwatch@west-midlands.pnn.police.uk Find out more: https://www.westmidlands-pcc.gov.uk/careers/volunteer/streetwatch Follow on X/Twitter: @streetwatchWM

Contacting The Police

Emergency calls
Threat to life, serious injury, crime in progress with suspects are near scene
Non-emergency calls
Suspicious activity, stolen car, damaged property, drug use/dealing, information about a previous crime
Live Chat 8am-midnight
Crime Stoppers
Report a crime anonymously
0800 555 111 www.crimestoppers-uk.org.uk