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Moor Pool Residents Association Constitution

Amended: 2022

1.The name shall be The Moor Pool Residents Association (hereinafter called The Association).

2. Objects

a) To promote and protect the interests of all those who live on the Moor Pool Estate.

b) To develop and encourage the use of communal and leisure activities available to all residents.

c) To ensure that all residents have access to learn about and enjoy the heritage of the Estate.

3. Membership and Organisation.

a) Membership is open to all residents of The Moor Pool Estate. Such members shall pay an annual subscription. The amount shall be determined at the AGM and the method of collection by the Committee. Only those who have paid the subscription will be entitled to vote upon motions proposed at the AGM.

b) A committee shall be elected to carry on the business of the Association, members. Co-Option of up to an additional two non-voting members (resident or non-resident) is allowed. comprising, Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and up to eight general

c) The Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and other members shall be elected at the AGM. All officers and members may offer themselves for re- election on an annual basis. The Committee shall meet at least once a quarter to execute Association business.

d) The Committee may invite any individual or individuals who support the aims of the Association, to become Associate Members. Such members shall have no voting rights, nor will they pay a subscription.

e) The Committee is empowered to undertake fund raising and where necessary, to employ staff on an informal basis but in the event of a large grant being received, such arrangement may be put on a more formal basis.

f) The income and assets of the Association may be used only for furthering its objectives.

4. Meetings

a) The AGM shall be held annually at which the Chair shall report on the work of the Association. The Treasurer will present a statement of accounts and other relevant business will be discussed.

b) The Secretary will notify all members of the date and time of the meeting and the venue, not less than twenty-eight days before the said date.

c) The AGM shall elect members of the Committee and vote on formal proposals and on any amendment to the Constitution.

d) A Special General Meeting, open to all members of the Association will be held if twelve or more members submit in writing a request for such a meeting with due reason, to the Secretary. The Secretary shall arrange for such a meeting to take place within twenty-one days, and will publicise the date, time and venue at least fourteen days in advance. No business or matter other than that of which notice has been given shall be discussed at any Special General Meeting.

5. Quorum

a) The quorum for an AGM shall be 25 voting members or 10% of the membership, whichever is the smaller number.

b) No Committee meeting shall take place if fewer than a total of four people including officers and Committee Members are present. If the number falls below four, those present may if necessary, appoint a temporary Chair and Secretary and deal with any urgent matter arising from residents' concerns. No decisions on expenditure may be made.

6. Amendment of the Constitution.

The Constitution can only be altered by a vote at the AGM. Any formal proposition to amend the Constitution must be handed to the Secretary at least twenty-eight days before the AGM and any changes must be agreed by two thirds of the Members present at the meeting, which itself must be quorate.

7. Dissolution.

a) The Association may only be dissolved at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose and which must be advertised twenty-one days before the meeting. A proposal to dissolve the Asssociation shall take effect only if agreed by two thirds of the members present at the meeting, which itself must be quorate.

b) If it is agreed to dissolve the Association, all remaining monies and (possessions) once outstanding debts have been paid, will be donated to a local charitable organisation with aims similar to those of the Association. The organisation to be determined at the meeting which agrees to the dissolution.