Moor Pool Scarecrow Competition

Saturday 7th September 2013
with Judging on Saturday 14th September 2013

Entries go on initial display on Saturday 7th, and remain until the Festival on the 15th with judging taking place on Saturday 14th.

Details of this years theme and entry forms will be available closer to the date.

Saturday 8th September 2012
with Judging Sunday 16th September 2012

Thank you everyone for entering this year’s competition. Thanks particularly to Maureen Mauser who put a tremendous effort into promoting the event and encouraging adults and children to take part.

This year our congratulations go to Eddie, Ella and Danny who won with "Harry Potter" receiving the £25 first prize "Lovely pose, beautifully made, fantastic broom – just like Harry Potter'" commented the judges.

Runner up this year with a £15 prize was Kathryn Williams with “My Doctor” – “Amazing, such brilliant attention to detail. Love the light on Tardis”, said the judges.

Third place and £10 prize went to Evie and Theo with "Postman Pat". Described by the judges as " Original – love Jess the cat and letters in bag. Very well made" .

Well done to everyone for taking part. We hoped all the entrants enjoyed building their scarecrows and will be entering again next year.

Thanks must go to our Judges Jo Barnes, Harry Barnes, Beth Plant and Melissa Withers who gave up their time on what turned out to be a bright sunny day.

Jo Barnes commented. “We had such fun, thanks so much for asking us. I haven't walked around the Estate for such a long time; I had almost forgotten how wonderful it is! Perfect weather and I was amazed at the standard and effort gone that went in to all the scarecrows.

Harry, Beth and Melissa really enjoyed it too, they chatted about it continually on the way back, and they had a lovely time.

I noticed on the website from last year's competition that you included some extra comments about other entries that were appreciated even if they didn't get a prize. There were a few other entries that stood out for us. The other entries we all thought had a 'spark' were:

Bradley Wiggins (little one), Margaret Grove - he'd obviously been through wind and rain and was well and truly weather beaten - pretty similar to some of the conditions and effort Bradley Wiggins had to face in the tour de France, side-burns in tact, to finally ride to glory.

Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Margaret Grove - I loved this one because of the historical connection of the industrial revolution and our engineering heritage - reflecting so well the purpose of the original building and planning of Moorpool in the early 1900's - fitting and extremely clever (you see, I got it Janine - loved the pink hands!). Cathy looking for Heathcliff, Wentworth Gate - we liked this one because of how well it represented the haunting ghostly image of Cathy searching the moors - very emotive, quite sad and an original choice of literary subject (we love our books!).

I also have to mention poor missing Winnie the Pooh - who Melissa wanted to give a score of 100 out of 50 - just because she loves everything to do with Pooh!

Many, many thanks for a lovely afternoon and now I've found the association website I shall be an avid follower, keep up that amazing work you're all doing. It’s like being museum curators I think!”

As for Pooh Bear

What a shame he disappeared after a youngster has gone to all the effort of making him. There is some good news, as most of him reappeared a week later. There is also a story in The Sunday Mercury.

Thank you again everyone for entering the competition and we hope you all enter again next year.

Rob Sutton

Oh Pooh, Where Are You (Sunday Murcury, September 23th 2012)

Photographs of the Judges and entries here.

Scarecrow Competition 2011

Congratulations to Hazel and Jim, first time entrants who won with "Killer Queen" receiving the £20 first prize "A very clever mix of legend and royalty. Excellent Freddie 'stance'" commented the judges.

Runner up this year with a £10 prize were last years winners '7 in All' with "The Other Royal Wedding". "Archbishop, Queen Mother - excellent detail to costume and decorations and recognisable too" said the judges.

Third place and £5 prize went to Fiona Fellows and Family with "Elvis the King". Described by the judges as " Excellent costume, well placed - instantly recognisable, good pose" .

Thanks you to everyone for taking part. We hoped all the entrants enjoyed building their scarecrows and will be entering again next year.

Thanks must go to our Judges Pat Hands and Marion Morse. They needed quite a while to decide the results with the quality and effort put into the scarecrows making the decisions quite difficult. In the 'Highly Commended' section were 'One Day My Prince Will Come' made by Charlotte and Alex, 'Queen Elizabeth' by Janine and 'Elizabeth 1st' by Becky & Paul.

Well done everyone.

Rob Sutton

Photographs of the Judges and other entries here.

Scarecrow Competition 2010

Congratulations to Maureen Mausers team of boys Connor, Josef, Jatinder, Freddie, Zak, Panayotis and Teifion who are the winners with 'Come on England!' taking the gold medal and £20 prize "Wow" said Janice "So good and the setting is wonderful too. Even the World Cup and flags!" Even as we judged, cars were stopping and reversing to take a second look at this tremendous effort. If the boys can keep the team together maybe they will appear again at the Moor Pool Festival for a lap of honour.

Runner up again this year with a silver medal and £10 prize were Rose Tasmin Liberty and Eden with 'Edward and Bella from Twilight'. "Liked the faces, very realistic figures and scary too" said Janice.

Third place and bronze medal with £5 prize went to Jamie Bench (who was last years winner) with 'The Moor Pool Duck'. Described by Janice as " Two for the price of one, very good use of materials, even a face, eggs etc" .

Thanks you to everyone for taking part. We hoped all the entrants enjoyed building their scarecrows and will be entering again next year.

Thanks must go to our Judge Janice Bridger who stepped in at the last minute to help us out. Janice found the quality of some of the entries made final decisions quite difficult. In the end we created a new category 'Highly Commended' which went to 'Lady Lucy of Moor Pool' made by Amber, Gabriella, Elspeth, Claudia, Molly and Annabel and also 'Sir Wilberforce Gummige' by Anne Claridge. The weather was marvellous all day and couldn't have been better for our Easter egg hunt and scarecrow competition.

Well done everyone.

Rob Sutton

Maureen is the scarecrow star Birmingham Post Lite, April 22nd 2010

Photographs of the Judges and other entries here.

Scarecrow Competition 2009

Congratulations to Jamie and his Mom who are the winners of the first Moor Pool Scarecrow competition. Mr and Mrs Bunnykins were described by the judges as "very original, well designed, nice details and super Easter theme".

Runner up by Tasmin Liberty and Eden was Pinky the Punk who had "a very realistic body and face, great posture, very teenagerish".

Third place went to Patrick and Hilary with Handy Andy and Hilly. Described by the judges as " very original, nice details and like the garden tools"

Thanks to everyone who took part in the competition and who should have received a certificate. Overall the standard was high and it is a pity everyone could not receive a prize because a lot of effort had been made particularly by youngsters. Hopefully all this years contestants will enter in 2010 and others will have a go too.

Thanks must go to our Judges Glyn and Diane who were thrown in at the deep end but like the rest of us enjoyed the occasion. Fortunately the sun came out whilst the judging was taking place.

Well done everyone.

Rob Sutton

Evening Mail article

Photographs of the Judges and other entries here.