The Judges, the Winners and the Medals
The Judges, Glyn & Diane
First Place - Mr & Mrs Bunnykins
Second Place - Pinky the Punk
Third Place - Handy Andy & Hilly
The Winner's Medals
And all the entries
Duncan by the Gallimores
Pinky the Punk by Tasmin Liberty & Eden
Tulip by Igor & Tricia
Jack Wood-Green by the Bowling Club
Who gives a name to a scarecrow by the Hacketts
Captain Bob by Jan & Rob
Aunt Sally by the Harleys
Bob the Builder by Oliver & Matthew
Bamboo by Susannah
Mr & Mrs Bunnykins by Jamie & Mom
Scary Bird by the Southalls
Daisey by Amelia & Olivia
Dereck by Joseph Samuel Benedict & Justin Grays
Handy Andy by Patrick
Hilly by Hilary