Scarecrow Competition 2012

This year our congratulations go to Eddie, Ella and Danny who won with "Harry Potter" receiving the £25 first prize "Lovely pose, beautifully made, fantastic broom – just like Harry Potter'" commented the judges.

Runner up this year with a £15 prize was Kathryn Williams with “My Doctor” – “Amazing, such brilliant attention to detail. Love the light on Tardis”, said the judges.

Third place and £10 prize went to Evie and Theo with "Postman Pat". Described by the judges as " Original – love Jess the cat and letters in bag. Very well made" .

Well done to everyone for taking part. We hoped all the entrants enjoyed building their scarecrows and will be entering again next year.

Thanks must go to our Judges Jo Barnes, Harry Barnes, Beth Plant and Melissa Withers who gave up their time on what turned out to be a bright sunny day.

Well done everyone.

Rob Sutton

More details here