Welcome to the Moor Pool website, created for the community of Moor Pool, Harborne in Birmingham, U.K. It is provided as a service to local residents by the Moor Pool Residents' Association. If you are new to our community, then Welcome to Moor Pool.

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What's Coming Up?

Sun, Jul 7th - Garden Party!: Nettlefold Garden
Sat, Sep 28th - Macmillan Coffee Morning: Main Hall
Sun, Dec 15th - Carols in the Hall: Main Hall

Residents Association Subscriptions

Subscription fees are £8. Due (where possible) on 1st January.

Payments can be made by standing order or by bank transfer to: Sort Code 30 19 14. Account No. 03808193 and if this is not possible we will of course be happy to receive cash.

The Duck Newsletter: NEW ISSUE July 2024


You can no longer raise funds directly through easyfundraising.org.uk when shopping at Amazon but instead will be redirected to Amazon Smile where you can select Moor Pool Heritage Trust as the charity you wish to support.

If you then log in through smile.amazon.co.uk rather than amazon.co.uk you will be automatically linked to the charity you wish to support and 0.5% of any purchases will be donated to the Trust.

You can, of course, continue to use easyfundraising with other retailers. Our continuing thanks to those helping to raise funds for the Trust in this way.

The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service

We are delighted to announce that, thanks to all our members, volunteers and supporters, Moor Pool Heritage Trust has been selected as a recipient of The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service (QAVS) 2019. This unique UK national honour recognises the outstanding contributions made to local communities by groups of volunteers; it has an equivalent status for voluntary groups as the MBE for individuals.

Simon Sterling (Chair)

Further details and a full list of the winners of this prestigious award.