The Nettlefold Platinum Jubliee Oak

The Queen's Green Canopy is an initiative that began in May 2021 in honour of the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II in 2022. To increase and protect the native tree cover, people are being urged to create this 'special gift' for the Queen, to mark her 70 years on the throne.

Under this initiative, an oak sapling, kindly donated by The Alscot Estate in Warwickshire, was planted in the Nettlefold Garden on November 14th 2021, in advance of the Jubilee as bare-root replantings need to be carried out during the tree's domrmant period.

The official unveiling and naming formed part of the Platinum Jubliee celebrations on June 5th 2022.

The November Planting

The Jubilee Inauguration

A damp morning but the rain held off long enough for the official inauguration and naming of the tree which took place over the Platinum Jubilee weekend on June 5th, with special guest, BBC Radio WM’s ‘Laughing Gardener’, Darren Rudge and included the Moorpool in Bloom plant sale.

A ballot of the three most popular names from the Oaky McOakface competition was held and the winner was The Elizabeth Oak.