Moor Pool Carol Walk 2009
December 13th 2009

The second Moor Pool Carol Walk took place this Sunday, fortunately in dry conditions. Approximately 100 people attended and walked the route. Torches and lanterns were in abundance along with hearty voices. Thanks must go to Rachel New and Emma Gray who led the singing, Geoff Salminen who brought his accordion which was really appreciated. Returning to the hall everyone was glad to warm themselves with mulled wine and mince pies in this final MRA event for 2009. I would also like to thank our Stewards for the walk and also the hard work in the kitchen and behind the counter by Margie, Becky, Hazel, Jan and Emma

In addition to the Carol Walk, Moor Pools Major Mustard entertained the children with 'Cinderella' in the lower hall with probably as many adults attending.

This event is successful because so many of you make the effort to come along and support it. Thank you.