Moorpool Residents' Association

Who we are

Volunteers voted onto the committee by residents at an Annual General Meeting every January, to help protect the character of the estate and encourage community connections.

What we do

  • Publish the Duck newsletter in collaboration with the Moor Pool Heritage Trust for all Moor Pool residents six times a year; and on our website for members living elsewhere.

  • Host special events such as the annual Carol walk.

  • Collaborate on highways, pavements, benches, lighting, signage and refuse issues with Birmingham City Council.

  • Advise on conservation rules, hedge and tree maintenance, shared paths and monitor planning permissions.

  • Share police updates and crime prevention advice, and provide reassurance patrols through Street Watch.

  • Manage the Moor Pool Estate website.
How we're funded

Our running expenses and fundraising activities rely solely on voluntary subscriptions. We work in partnership with Moor Pool Heritage Trust (MPHT) and Moor Pool in Bloom (MPiB) to stage special events but we still depend on your contribution.

Why not join as a member?

Membership is a very modest £8 per household per year. We hope you support the MRA efforts and welcome more residents to join so we can continue to protect the unique character of our estate. If you would like to become a member, please complete the Membership Form and return to the address provided.

Committee 2023/24


  • Chair: Margaret Harrold
  • Treasurer: Mike Foster
  • Secretary: Norma Mason

    General Committee

  • Sue Anderson
  • Jenny Buckan
  • Sarah Hanson
  • Jill Howes
  • Maureen Mauser
  • Matt O'Malley
  • Carl Parkes

    Contact can be made by e-mail.

    Annual General Meetings

  • AGM Report 2022

  • AGM Accounts 2022

  • AGM Notes to Accounts 2022

  • AGM Minutes 2022

  • AGM Report 2021

  • AGM Accounts 2021

  • AGM Minutes 2020

  • AGM Report 2020

  • AGM Accounts 2020

  • AGM Minutes 2019

  • AGM Minutes 2018

  • AGM Minutes 2017

  • AGM Minutes 2015

  • AGM Minutes 2009

  • AGM Minutes 2008

  • AGM Minutes 2007

  • AGM Minutes 2005

  • AGM Minutes 2004

  • AGM Minutes 2002


  • MRA Constitution (updated 29-Jan-2022)