Moor Pool Neighbourhood Watch Scheme


I have recently taken over from Jan Scott, a well-respected and much loved member of our community who has now moved house to live closer to her family after over 50 years on Moor Pool. Good luck Jan – we will miss you.

As residents are aware, we have seen an increase in car crime and burglaries on the Estate. My family have lived on Moor Pool since 1908 and myself since 1970, and I am passionate about reconnecting our community in a more modern way so we can safely and quickly share vital security information with each other. Forewarned is forearmed. I am setting up a WhatsApp group for each road and urge you to contact me with your house number, road and name so I can add you to your group. Only you and your neighbours can see this. A pilot in my road - Margaret Grove - is working well and we are alerting each other of house alarms going off, suspicious activity etc. This app supports but does not replace first calling 999 or 101. Do also register to receive live police alerts where you live or work direct to your PC at – useful for those without mobiles who can’t access WhatsApp.

Your first step is making time to attend the World Café event. This is your chance to express your views and concerns direct to your local police team in an informal environment. Feedback from the event will enable the police to fully understand and better support us, but also for Moor Pool to apply for Active Citizen funding to buy crime prevention equipment and safety measures that benefit everyone. Look out for more Café info on Moor Pool social media or book your place by emailing PCSO Glen Moore on We hope to see you all there on 16th October at 7pm, and remember if you don’t come along, we can’t know your needs or help you. Let’s be stronger together.

Sarah Hanson 0797 119 9049

Security Tips

There’s a wealth of security measures available to reduce the risk of your property being targeted but I’ll focus on just 2 which specifically tackle the criminal activity we’re experiencing right now on Moor Pool.
  • Anti-snap locks are a must to stop thieves breaking the locks on your back or front doors. Replace your existing cylinder with a TS007 3-star Kite-marked cylinder. Alternatively, replace your cylinder with a TS007 1-start cylinder AND door handles with TS007 2-star Kite-marked handles to achieve the same 3-star rating.

  • Disklock steering wheel locks stop thieves taking your car with or without keyless entry. West Midlands Police are offering a 15% discount off the yellow model here Just enter wmpolice15 at the checkout. See more crime prevention advice on the new police website WMP Online and find police-approved products on the Secured by Design police initiative site: Also consider Stoplock Pro - both Police & Thatcham approved.

  • For anyone who wants to improve the security of their garage - Enfield Garage Door Bolts. They come in pairs and cost around £25-30 from Amazon/eBay etc. Fairly easy to fit yourself if you've got basic diy skills (and a big enough drill bit!). There's even a helpful video on YouTube showing you how.

Harborne Neighbourhood Policing Team Update - October 2019

2019 has been a busy year with lots of crime prevention popups, WMNOW signups, new WhatsApp residents groups and the start of Harborne Street Watch. I hope you have seen me, our neighbourhood team PCSOs and the amazing Street Watch volunteers wandering around. There are 50 volunteers out providing reassurance patrols, offering crime prevention advice and reporting council defects. If you’re interested in joining, contact Here’s some Police advice as the nights get longer:-

Darker Nights ‘lock up, lights on’

  • Add segment timer lights to make your house look as occupied as possible when you are not there.
  • Don’t leave house or vehicle keys in the lock or on a side table in view of a window.
  • Don’t leave items in open porches that could be used to enter your home. - Always lock your front door from the inside, especially front doors with handles.
  • Check your door locks are snap resistant. Anti-snap locks have TS007 3-star Kite mark cylinders.
  • Cancel newspapers/milk if you’re away and ask a trusted friend or neighbour to keep an eye on your property, pushing any visible post fully through the letterbox.
  • Get 50% off a DNA property marking kit (free P&P). Sign up to West Midlands Police FREE WMNOW alert service and the discount code will be in your welcome email.
  • Explore the Police interactive game 27 Station Road to help review your security and prevent a burglary happening in your home

    Bogus Callers

    Elderly residents are reporting a phone SCAM. A company saying they are working with the Police on crime prevention and security are selling a home security system installed free but it’s actually pay by subscription. The Police will never call you. Never answer unknown calls – if it’s important, they will leave a voicemail. Check the number on Google to see if it has been reported then call Action Fraud: 0300 123 2040

    Residents’ Safety & Security Forum - Thursday 10th October 7-9pm @ Tally Ho! Conference Centre

    I am offering free places all to Moor Pool residents to attend the above crime prevention event held in partnership with Calthorpe Residents’ Association. Learn about current crime trends and police resources, get expert advice from trusted security suppliers, hear how to stay safe online, protect your home from fire, meet the police and walk round the mini exhibition. Email me to pre-register

    Stay safe and have a great autumn!

    Sarah Hanson

    Harborne Neighbourhood Policing Team Update - October 2018

    Your policing team consists of 1 Sergeant, 2 PCs and 3 PCSOs who continue to do their best with many neighbourhood priorities despite being stretched with ever-increased Force demand. Despite being taken away from normal duties to deal with P3 and P4 level incidents, our officers successfully applied for Criminal Behaviour Orders against Terry Garner and Paul Southall, two prolific shoplifters who were severely effecting the business community as well as being suspects for some local burglaries across Harborne. They were arrested, sentenced and banned from the High Street - excellent work by both PCs Shakespeare and Wilson.

    Our PCs also secured a closure order against a flat attracting criminality into Harborne which was being used for drugs, prostitution and general ASB. PC Shakespeare has also taken the lead with a court injunction through City council to rehouse a criminal away from another property in Harborne. Despite having only 2 officers, Sergeant Khalil continues to ensure his team prioritise known burglary offenders. Officers have also been conducting Domestic Violence offender arrests - another Force demand - with successful arrests resulting in vulnerable people being safeguarded. A prolific bike thief has also been arrested and remanded in custody whilst also being issued with a Criminal Behaviour Order banning him from coming into Harborne. Since this arrest, bike thefts have seen a marked decrease. This work is just a snippet of what the team have achieved and are doing 24/7 across Harborne, and you’ll be pleased to hear our officers have been put forward for a national award by a partner agency.

    Around Moor Pool, PCSO Glen Moore has been the lead SPOC working with new Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator Sarah Hanson and Moor Pool Heritage Trust to ensure a reduction in crime and maintain the excellent Police/Moor Pool relationship. Glen and Sarah have set up an Active Citizens World Café event at the Hall on Tuesday 16th October from 7-9pm which all residents are welcome to attend.


    West Midlands Police

    Crime Map - Harborne

    WM Now

    Video produced by WM Police - a 360 degree virtual walk around a fictitious house showing latest home security measures.

    YouTube video by Yale on how to replace a euro-lock with a high security anti-snap lock.


    Burglary Advice from West Midlands Police to help prevent you becoming a burglary victim particularly during the darker nights of the winter months.